Space of Culture

A space empowering the cultural pillar of sustainable development

Since the inception of SEKEM Group, Dr. Ibrahim Abouleish was a firm believer that art exposure inspires human transcendence despite the hustles of life, and needs a consciously created space to unfold itself.

So, the Space of Culture was created as a serving arm to the cultural sustainable development pillars for SEKEM Vision Goals-SVGs, thus creating a space where artists unfold their artistic potential, and where the individuals in our community elevate their creative connection through cultural & artistic experiences.


Become Egypt’s cultural hub where professional & rising artists express a unique perspective of art, and where communities elevate their creativity connection through diverse cultural & artistic experiences.


To unfold the artistic potential of individuals, while providing communities with a space where they elevate their artistic sense through exposure to various art forms. 

To unleash the power of Arts and Culture as vital catalysts for awakening human potential and pioneering societal renewal.



We are currently partnering with Home for Humanity global initiative, which is a transcultural alliance of humanity comprised of individuals, homes, organizations and communities committed to human & planetary renewal. 

Space of Culture is considered one of Egypt’s Homes for Humanity using an integral approach to raising cultural awareness.

Registration & Booking

Registration is open to HU staff & students only, those interested in attending internal Space of Culture events. Ticket sale is available for public events only.

Artist Collabs

We’re looking for the artist in you! 

Whether you’re a professional or a rising artist, whether locally or internationally, we welcome you into our space.

We provide our space for galleries, concerts, theaters & movement arts.

Whether it’s an art gallery, musical or theatrical performance; our space is open for rising talents who want to showcase their art at the Space of Culture! 

To audition please fill in the form, including your bio & highlights from your art form, and one of our team will be in touch with you.
