
Development Center

The goal of the Rural Development Center-RDC in Heliopolis University is to enact social transformation in the rural areas of Egypt by helping the communities face & solve its cultural, economic, ecological & societal challenges.

The RDC is currently addressing the holistic sustainable development of 2 communities in Egypt’s El Sharkia governorate through the 13 Villages Initiative, and in the Bahariya Oasis through the Wahat Community.

In order to achieve its objectives, the RDC executes multiple projects in its targeted communities that tackles multiple development goals.


Building sustainable communities in the rural areas in Egypt by coming up with innovative solutions to their cultural, economic, ecological & societal challenges.


Advancing social transformation of the rural areas in Egypt with a holistic sustainable development approach to the challenges of the communities.



  1. 13 Villages Initiative

Initiated in 2004, this project aims to improve living conditions, develop infrastructure and create job opportunities for the 13 Villages community surrounding SEKEM main farm.

Under its umbrella, various activities are initiated, many in cooperation with other HU Centers and local NGOs & international partners.

2. Wahat Community

Since the beginning of SEKEM in 1997, SEKEM Wahat farm started in the middle of the Eastern Desert, 300 km from Cairo, near to the Bahariya Oasis.

Accordingly, the Wahat Community was born & continues to be a successful model for a sustainable community in the rural areas of Egypt till the present day, where people work,live, learn & develop together under the framework of SEKEM Vision & UN Sustainable Development Goals.


  1. Waste Management

This project was initiated with the objective of eliminating the concept of burning trash, which takes over Egypt’s rural areas. The idea is to achieve 100% waste management thus reducing air pollution & CO2 emissions into the air, as well as eliminate farmland contamination.

The project works with families & children in the 13 Villages, as well as its schools, to raise awareness on responsible consumption, along with practicing waste management by sorting waste by organic & non-organic as a first step, thus resulting in cleaner villages.

The collaborative effort involving Plastic Bank, the SEKEM Initiative, local companies and the Sharkia Governorate resulted in the sorting and recycling of 45 tons of solid waste per month.

The next phase will integrate microfinance programs, investing in infrastructure and supporting collectors in all the 13 villages, thus creating jobs & providing financial incentives, further propelling the initiative’s impact.

2. Groundwater Resources Management

RDC oversees the execution of an international project that promotes groundwater resources management; Ground Water SuStainable and Equitable development uNder Constraints of Ecosystem conservation and saltwater intrusion prevention in large deltas (GWS-SENCE).

Initiated in the 13 Villages, the project promotes sustainable and equitable groundwater resources development in coastal deltas. The activities include applied research, training and capacity strengthening on smart monitoring and comprehensive assessments of groundwater resources and their importance for society and ecosystems.

3. Sports Academy

The Sports Academy started in 2022 & targets the children of the 13 Villages Initiative between 8 to 16 years old, to create a community where they can practice various sports & expand their skills. One its core objectives is to raise awareness on the importance of practicing sports for children in rural areas & providing onground opportunities through its multiple “Sports Day” events across the 13 villages.

Starting with football, the Sports Academy currently has 2 teams participating in the Egyptian League as well as friendly matches with different communities

4. WATDEV Project

Climate Smart WATer Management and Sustainable DEVelopment for Food and Agriculture in East Africa is a funded project in the 13 villages fostering multi-stakeholder collaboration.

Aiming to improve water, soil and agricultural resource management in the 13 villages, the project develops an in-depth understanding of small and large-scale water and agricultural resource dynamics and management.

5. Space of Culture

The cultural initiative born in Heliopolis University aims to raise cultural awareness of the community by curating art, musical & theatrical events once a week on campus.

Space of Culture events has now expanded to the 13 Villages on a weekly basis, starting by providing similar events for attendees from SEKEM community as well as the 13 villages.

Currently, the team is looking to involve participation from 13 Villages community members, whether in curation, preparation or taking part in the events.
