Heliopolis University for Sustainable Development (Heliopolis University) is taking proactive measures to address environmental sustainability by adopting a policy aimed at reducing the use of plastics on campus. This policy outlines strategies and guidelines to minimize plastic consumption, lower the university’s environmental footprint, and foster a more sustainable campus environment.
Recognizing the urgent need to curb plastic waste, Heliopolis University is committed to reducing the consumption of single-use plastics across its campus. The policy emphasizes the reduction of plastic bags, straws, cutlery, and disposable containers. Alternative, eco-friendly materials will be promoted and made available wherever feasible, encouraging the use of sustainable alternatives.
In line with its commitment to sustainability, Heliopolis University aims to host events, conferences, and functions that are plastic-free. Event organizers will be encouraged to utilize sustainable alternatives to single-use plastics and provide appropriate disposal methods for any plastic waste that may arise during such events.
To promote the use of reusable water bottles and reduce plastic bottle waste, Heliopolis University will invest in water bottle refill stations. These stations will be strategically placed across the campus to encourage students and staff to opt for reusable bottles and consume tap water, which is a more environmentally friendly choice.
For more details: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qyW1XklD2uP64ybxroOZQqYgqdmKnX-3-_SKYSaFWk8/edit[:]