Congratulations to our IEEE students for ranking 3rd worldwide.
3000 universities competed in IEEE competitions from all over the world, and HU student rock it.
The HU student project “Manufacturing an economical wind turbine.” was the best third project worldwide.
Students based sustainable, innovative solutions in Egypt
2022 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics held in Anchorage, Alaska, USA, June 1-3, 2022
Egypt is turning its communities into sustainable and intelligent. The students of Engineering in different fields have bigger chances to involve renewable energies as a sustainable step and also to apply IoT and artificial intelligence as thoughtful steps in their projects. Those projects are turning out to be startups and products used by Egyptian citizens from different educational and financial levels. Examples of these projects are simple wind turbines to feed homes with electricity, 100% on-grid PV solutions, IoT electric vehicles, Conversion of gasoline cars to electric vehicles, and others done by undergraduate students at Heliopolis University into startups.