Physical TherapyOld

The Faculty of Physical Therapy is leading the way in excellence and leadership by offering innovative and advanced curricula, focusing on modern techniques of physical therapy in different disciplines, musculoskeletal, neurological disorders, paediatrics, burn and dermatological diseases and women health. Students have access to high quality education, research, clinical training facilities, consultation, and accredited internships. Core Program in sustainability and developmental are offered to enhance their professional skills.

The Faculty of Physical Therapy aims to promote a sustainable and comprehensive approach, maintain, or restore health through patient education, physical intervention, disease prevention, and health promotion to emphasizes patient involvement in health care, overall wellness, and preventive measures, contributing to a healthier society in Egypt through a sustainable and on going approaches.

Faculty of physical therapy goals:

The faculty is designed to graduate physiotherapists capable of planning a physical therapy program aiming to evaluating, managing different diseases, preventing complications and restoring function in different medical specialties. The program consists of ten academic levels in addition to one internship accredited year. The faculty provides various teaching methods through many facilities in form of medical labs such as physiology, anatomy, biochemistry, biomechanics, manual therapy and electrotherapy labs. The faculty provides the students with problem-solving abilities to be a competent professional physiotherapist. Moreover, the program allows for clinical training and hands on patients. The last year will be dedicated to a mandatory internship year to complete the bachelor program. The students are practicing within major governmental hospitals of ministry of health in Egypt. The student will be knowledgeable about all medical information related to regional and international professional fields and learn how to interact with different specialties in the medical team.

The physiotherapy and rehabilitation center in Heliopolis University:

 The faculty is provided by a physiotherapy and rehabilitation center. It serves all patients and offers the best standards of therapeutic quality. The center employs highly qualified specialists in the field of physiotherapy, dealing with many cases trough use of modern and advanced approaches and devices. It includes an orthopedic unit, neurology unit, pediatric unit, occupational therapy unit and hydrotherapy unit. Workshops and training courses are conducted on an ongoing basis for graduates and physical therapy students to ensure the continuity of the quality provided by the physical therapy program