Tag: Entrepreneurship

STAND Up! launches a call for applications for textile and fashion entrepreneurs

[:en] STAND Up! launches a call for applications for textile and fashion entrepreneurs to develop their financial literacy skills The call for applications will include an Access to Finance Training and two events in each country in front of potential investors. A minimum of 50 entrepreneurs will be selected in the Mediterranean region. STAND Up! launches a call for applications for ventures in the textile and clothing sector to develop their financial literacy skills, get knowledge on how to raise funds, and get chances to meet with local and regional investors to potentially secure funding opportunities. The ‘Call for Access to Finance’ will select a minimum of 50 entrepreneurs from the 5 partner countries in Lebanon, Egypt, Italy, Spain, and Tunisia. It means that each country will target at least 10 entrepreneurs. As a supporting element for circular and sustainable business models, the 10 selected entrepreneurs per country will participate in a 10-days-long training that will focus on building the financial projections of the start-ups, understanding their readiness, trends, and opportunities in the investment landscape. The training program, which will be held in each country, will be followed by two events organized by each country to provide investment feedback to the entrepreneurs and to receive local and regional exposure with potential investors. The call is open for textile and fashion start-ups that meet the following criteria: Early-stage/Growth-stage start-ups in the textile and clothing industry Venture with potential scalability, innovative and economically viable Venture with a prototype or product/service ready in the market Venture with an environmental and social impact Venture with a unique value proposition and sustainable business model with clear revenue streams Among the selected participants, at least 50% should have participated in the capacity building phase and incubation phase. The ‘Access to Finance’ training, which will be given in a virtual format in English, will review revenue streams in the business model canvas and develop the investment teaser. It will also focus on identifying the sources of revenues and setting the cost and pricing strategy. In addition to that, it will give tools to entrepreneurs to build a financial forecast based on assumptions. Besides, the training will share knowledge on what investors are more interested to know and to see and the concepts of ‘investable’ or ‘investment ready’. Finally, it will help ventures to find funding options and the type of investors in the markets. This capacity-building training will be followed by two pitching events. During the first matchmaking event, the entrepreneurs will get the chance to pitch their ideas in front of an internal jury and investors to receive feedback on their investment teaser. During the second matchmaking event, ventures will pitch their investment teasers in front of potential investors in order to get the chance to secure investments and potential funding opportunities. The two events will be organized from July until September 2022. The application forms must be filled in through The Switchers.org platform, a free-to-use tool that entrepreneurs have used along with the capacity-building program. Applicants must register on the platform in order to be able to apply! Deadline to submit applications: 21st March 2022 Link to apply for the access to finance call [:ar] STAND Up! launches a call for applications for textile and fashion entrepreneurs to develop their financial literacy skills The call for applications will include an Access to Finance Training and two events in each country in front of potential investors. A minimum of 50 entrepreneurs will be selected in the Mediterranean region. STAND Up! launches a call for applications for ventures in the textile and clothing sector to develop their financial literacy skills, get knowledge on how to raise funds, and get chances to meet with local and regional investors to potentially secure funding opportunities. The ‘Call for Access to Finance’ will select a minimum of 50 entrepreneurs from the 5 partner countries in Lebanon, Egypt, Italy, Spain, and Tunisia. It means that each country will target at least 10 entrepreneurs. As a supporting element for circular and sustainable business models, the 10 selected entrepreneurs per country will participate in a 10-days-long training that will focus on building the financial projections of the start-ups, understanding their readiness, trends, and opportunities in the investment landscape. The training program, which will be held in each country, will be followed by two events organized by each country to provide investment feedback to the entrepreneurs and to receive local and regional exposure with potential investors. The call is open for textile and fashion start-ups that meet the following criteria: Early-stage/Growth-stage start-ups in the textile and clothing industry Venture with potential scalability, innovative and economically viable Venture with a prototype or product/service ready in the market Venture with an environmental and social impact Venture with a unique value proposition and sustainable business model with clear revenue streams Among the selected participants, at least 50% should have participated in the capacity building phase and incubation phase. The ‘Access to Finance’ training, which will be given in a virtual format in English, will review revenue streams in the business model canvas and develop the investment teaser. It will also focus on identifying the sources of revenues and setting the cost and pricing strategy. In addition to that, it will give tools to entrepreneurs to build a financial forecast based on assumptions. Besides, the training will share knowledge on what investors are more interested to know and to see and the concepts of ‘investable’ or ‘investment ready’. Finally, it will help ventures to find funding options and the type of investors in the markets. This capacity-building training will be followed by two pitching events. During the first matchmaking event, the entrepreneurs will get the chance to pitch their ideas in front of an internal jury and investors to receive feedback on their investment teaser. During the second matchmaking event, ventures will pitch their investment teasers in front of potential investors in order to get the chance to secure investments and potential funding opportunities. The two events will

[:en]Heliopolis Entrepreneurs[:ar]من قصص رائدي الأعمال بهليوبوليس[:]

[:en]   “If you were to start a new business, what would it be?” This was the question that sparked the idea in their minds.  It was their assignment in the Creativity and Entrepreneurship course to create their own business model canvas. Eglal Abdelal and Sara Ragab who just graduated last year from the Faculty of Business, Heliopolis University with a major in accounting thought of a business that would comply with the sustainable development concepts. Later, Abdallah Khalil, a student at Heliopolis Faculty of Engineering joined their team. At the very beginning, they recycled old clothes to be cloth bags. However, they could not continue this recycling process as used clothes are sold only in huge amounts which they cannot afford. After a while, the university started the No Plastic initiative that banned using single-use bags on campus. This initiative encouraged them to remodel their idea and start manufacturing new cloth bags as a sustainable solution to plastic bags. Instead of sending the material to tailors, they started to learn sewing and knitting to cut down their cost. Also, they know now where to buy the polyester-free material with best prices to produce authentic sustainable bags from natural cotton. Despite all the challenges, ESAC: Perfect Style (that is the name the team have chosen for their project) are persistently continuing their journey and planning to create new products like back bags, pencil cases, and others. With the continuous support of the Entrepreneurship Center for Social Impact (ECSI) in Heliopolis University, they wish to follow the business model that Dr. Ibrahim Abouleish created when he started SEKEM and Heliopolis University “that combines commercial success with social and cultural development.”      [:ar]   “ما هي فكرتك لبداية مشروع جديد؟“ كان هذا هو السؤال الذي أثار الفكرة في أذهانهم.  وكانت مهمتهم في دورة الإبداع وريادة الأعمال هي خلق نموذج الأعمال الخاص بهم. تخرجت العام الماضي اجلال عبدالعال وسارة رجب من كلية إدارة الأعمال بجامعة هليوبوليس تخصص محاسبة وكان حلمهم بدء مشروع يتوافق مع مفاهيم التنمية المستدامة. وانضم اليهم لاحقاً عبد الله خليل، طالب كلية الهندسة بجامعة هليوبوليس. في البداية، ارتكزت فكرتهم حول إعادة تدوير الملابس القديمة لصناعة حقائب من القماش.لكنهم لم يستطيعوا مواصلة عملية إعادة التدوير هذه لأن الملابس القديمة تباع بكميات ضخمة فقط والتي لم يستطيعوا تحمل نفقاتها. بعد فترة من الوقت، بدأت جامعة هليوبوليس مبادرة “لا للبلاستيك” والتي قننت استخدام أكياس بلاستيك داخل الحرم الجامعي. وقد شجعتهم هذه المبادرة على إعادة تشكيل فكرتهم والبدء في تصنيع أكياس قماشية جديدة كحل مستدام للأكياس البلاستيكية. وبدلاً من إرسال الخامات إلى الخياطين، بدأوا في تعلم الحياكة لخفض تكلفتها. ومع الوقت توصلوا إلى أماكن شراء القماش الخالي من البوليستر بأفضل الأسعار لإنتاج حقائب مستدامة أصيلة من القطن الطبيعي. وعلى الرغم من كل التحديات التي واجههت فريق ESAC: Perfect Style (وهذا هو الاسم الذي اختاره الفريق لمشروعهم) ، إلا انهم واصلوا رحلتهم وخططوا لإنشاء منتجات جديدة مثل حقائب الظهر، وحافظة أقلام من القماش، وغيرها. ومع الدعم المستمر لمركز ريادة الأعمال للتأثير الاجتماعي (ECSI) في جامعة هليوبوليس للتنمية المستدامة،  اصبح لدي الفريق الرغبة في اتباع نموذج الأعمال الذي أنشأه الدكتور إبراهيم أبوالعيش عندما بدأ سيكم وجامعة هليوبوليس “والذي جمع بين النجاح التجاري والنجاح في التنمية الاجتماعية والثقافية”.   [:]

[:en]In Memory of the Visionary and Social Entrepreneur, Dr. Ibrahim Abouleish[:ar]في ذكرى صاحب الرؤية ورائد الأعمال د. ابراهيم أبو العيش[:]

[:en]   That is how Dr. Ibrahim Abouleish –May He Rest in Peace – dreamed of establishing Heliopolis University in 2006. He dreamed that it matches “Iwnw,” the oldest knowledge center in history established by the ancient Egyptians and the Greece called it “Heliopolis”, which means the city of the sun. It was in fact a sun of wisdom and knowledge for the whole world.  “Iwnw” in hieroglyphic means the pillars. Dr. Abouleish planned to establish Heliopolis University based on pillars of academic teaching, scientific research, and practice. Every day we read millions of words in articles, posts, scientific theses but they are all spiritless. Words of determination, courage, and persistence are the only words that remain. Two years after his departure and his thoughts, dreams, and spirit as a visionary and social entrepreneur continue to inspire us to move forward in the way of human development. Whatever your dream is far away, your will and faith in your abilities will overcome all challenges and obstacles. Yesterday’s dream will be today’s reality Just write down your dreams with persistence to make a difference and unfold your potential and you will discover unlimited powers.  [:ar]   هكذا خط د. ابراهيم أبو العيش رحمه الله عام ٢٠٠٦حلمه بتأسيس جامعة هليوبوليس. والتي حلم أن تضاهي أقدم مدينة للمعرفة في التاريخ التي انشأها المصريون القدماء وأطلق عليها اليونان اسم هليوبوليس التي تعني مدينة الشمس. فقد كانت بالفعل شمساً تضيء العالم بالحكمة والمعرفة. واسم “أون” في الهيروغليفية يعني ذات العمدان. وقد أراد د. أبو العيش أن ينشأ جامعة هليوبوليس على أعمدة التدريس الأكاديمي والبحث العلمي والممارسة العملية. نحن نقرأ كل يوم الملايين من الكلمات من مقالات ورسائل علمية ومدونات لكنها بلا روح .. تبقى فقط تلك الكلمات التي يملؤها روح التحدي والعزيمة والإصرار على التغيير. ولهذا ورغم مرور عامين على رحيله مازالت أفكاره وأحلامه ورروحه.. روح صاحب الرؤية ورائد الأعمال تلهمنا لتحقيق المزيد في طريق بناء الانسان فمهما كان حلمك بعيداً .. فإرادتك وايمانك بقدراتك ستعلو بك فوق كل التحديات والعقبات وسترى حلم الأمس حقيقة تعيشها اليوم فقط أكتب أحلامك بروح الإصرار على صنع الفارق فيما حولنا وأطلق العنان لقدراتك وستكشف عن طاقات بلا حدود [:]

[:en]Reinforcing Sustainable Entrepreneurship[:ar]ريادة الأعمال هي الطريق نحو مستقبل مستدام[:]

[:en] [wonderplugin_slider id=26]   Heliopolis University has always supported entrepreneurship as a vehicle to help individuals unfold their potential while creating value. To enhance this vision, the university encouraged its alumni and staff members to learn more about entrepreneurship concept, opportunities, and risks through joining educational programs. Two of Heliopolis University staff members, Hala Helal, Lecturer of Microbiology at the Faculty of Pharmacy and Drug Technology and Mohammed Reda, Energy Engineering Lecturer at the Faculty of Engineering have joined a 6-month program to earn the Euro-Mediterranean Entrepreneurship Diploma as part of an educational protocol between Heliopolis University and the Euro-Mediterranean University (EMUNI). “The diploma changed my perspective about my engineering students’ projects. I started helping them develop these projects into small start-ups. I am glad I am stimulating the entrepreneurial mindset in them” says Mohammed Reda Helal and Reda spent one month in EMUNI in Slovenia where they met learners from all over the world and exchanged knowledge and experience. Also, they enjoyed the exceptional nature of Slovenia, which is extremely beautiful and diverse. “In fact, studying this diploma was an unforgettable experience for many reasons. First, connecting what I have learnt in pharmacy with the entrepreneurship has greatly contributed to my career development. Secondly, trying new teaching methods for example online learning and field visits created a highly interactive learning environment. I do strongly recommend this Diploma to all graduates to enhance their capacities to meet the market needs,” says Helal. Through such programs and through its Entrepreneurship Center for Social Impact (ECSI), Heliopolis University continues to encourage its students and alumni discover themselves and come up with new ideas for sustainable entrepreneurial ventures.[:ar] [wonderplugin_slider id=26]   لطالما دعمت جامعة هليوبوليس للتنمية المستدامة ريادة الأعمال كوسيلة لمساعدة الأفراد على كشف إمكاناتهم .ولتعزيز هذه الرؤية، شجعت الجامعة خريجيها وموظفيها على معرفة المزيد عن ريادة الأعمال والاستفادة في الوقت نفسه من التواصل مع الثقافات المختلفة. انضم اثنان من مدرسي جامعة هليوبوليس للتنمية المستدامة، وهما هالة هلال، المدرس في علم الأحياء الدقيقة بكلية الصيدلة، ومحمد رضا مدرس هندسة الطاقة بكلية الهندسة، إلى برنامج مدته ستة أشهر للحصول علي دبلومة ريادة الأعمال الأورومتوسطية كجزء من البرتوكول التعليمي بين جامعة هليوبوليس والجامعة الأورومتوسطية بسلوفينيا. “لقد غيرت الدبلومة وجهة نظري حول المشاريع التي يقدمها طلابي بالكلية. حيث بدأت في مساعدتهم على تطويرها إلى مشاريع صغيرة تطبق على أرض الواقع. أشعر بالسعادة لأنني أحفز عقلية ريادة الأعمال في نفوسهم.”  يقول محمد رضا قضى هلال ورضا شهرًا واحدًا في إميوني في سلوفينيا حيث التقيا بعدد كبير من الدارسين من جميع أنحاء العالم وتبادلوا المعرفة والخبرة. ولقد استمتعا بالطبيعة الاستثنائية لسلوفينيا التي كانت جميلة ومتنوعة جداً. ومن خلال هذه البرامج ومن خلال مركز ريادة الأعمال للتأثير المجتمعي ،تواصل جامعة هليوبوليس تشجيع الطلاب والخريجين على تطوير إمكاناتهم وتعزيز ريادة الأعمال لديهم. [:]

[:en]HU Alumni Unit starts a Series of Workshops on Entrepreneurship [:ar]وحدة الخريجين تبدأ سلسلة من ورش العمل حول ريادة الأعمال[:]

[:en] In collaboration with the Entrepreneurship Center for Social Impact, Heliopolis University Alumni Unit organized a workshop about Entrepreneurship. Dr. Jane Hanna, Acting Head of Research Department at the University, defined the difference between an entrepreneur and a businessman and between traditional logical thinking and creative thinking that may embed risks, but can lead to new pioneering ideas that improve and develop reality: ideas that turn its owner to an entrepreneur. Dr. Hanna believes that entrepreneurs are definitely needed in some way or another as they contribute to the development and innovation of various aspects of life. Beside improving the quality of life, entrepreneurship can develop new brands and create up-to-date uses for existing products. It can also revolutionize the market by offering a service, commodity, or practice that will eliminate currently available ones. This workshop comes as an introduction to entrepreneurship and it will be followed by more advanced applying workshops.  [:ar] بالتعاون مع مركز ريادة الأعمال للتأثير المجتمعي، نظمت وحدة الخريجين بجامعة هليوبوليس ورشة عمل حول مفهوم ريادة الأعمال، حيث شرحت الدكتورة جين حنا القائم بأعمال رئيس قسم البحوث بالجامعة الفرق بين رجل الأعمال ورائد الأعمال، والفرق بين التفكير المنطقي التقليدي والتفكير الإبداعي الذي وإن كان ينطوي على مخاطرة، يمكن أن يقود إلى أفكار جديدة رائدة تحسن الواقع وتطوره وتجعل من صاحبها رائد أعمال.  هذا، وأكدت د. جين على أن العالم بحاجة لأن يكون الجميع فيه رواد أعمال على نحو ما، أي يساهمون في التنمية والتجديد في مختلف ميادين الحياة. وإلى جانب تحسين الوضع، تستطيع ريادة الأعمال أن تستحدث علامات تجارية وتبتكر أغراضا جديدة لمنتجات قائمة. ويمكن أن تقلب الوضع رأسا على عقب بطرحها خدمة أو سلعة، أو ممارسة تجب ما قبلها وتقضي عليه. وتأتي ورشة العمل هذه كمقدمة لريادة الأعمال، تتبعها ورش تطبيقية متقدمة. [:]