[:en]Heliopolis University Chairman of the Board of Trustees Helmy Abouleish Becomes UN-Champion for Facing Climate Change[:ar]رئيس مجلس أمناء جامعة هليوبوليس حلمي أبو العيش بطل الأمم المتحدة في مواجهة التغير المناخي[:]

[:en]In the framework of the NAP (National Adaption Plan) Expo hosted by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) from 4 to 6 April in Sharm El-Sheikh, Heliopolis University Chairman of the Board of Trustees and SEKEM CEO Helmy Abouleish was elected to be the fourth international NAP Champion. This new initiative was initiated by the United Nations Expert Group for Least Developed Countries in order to provide recognition to eminent personalities in the field of climate resilience.  So far, only three persons have been given the NAP Champion title.

On April 6, Helmy Abouleish had been presented as the new NAP Champion in Sharm El-Sheikh and gave a speech on SEKEM’s commitment to sustainable development in the face of climate change. He pointed out that adaption to climate change can only be sustainable by approaching it holistically by fostering and balancing the four main dimensions of development: ecology, economy, society and culture. “We perused the achievements of those who would fit the criteria of becoming NAP Champion from the MENA region, and Helmy Abouleish appeared as a top priority, especially in recognition to the holistic orientation that SEKEM has inspired, and which goes well beyond that of implementing projects conducive to sustainability, but also fosters a comprehensive approach to sustainable living as applied to all aspects of human wellbeing”, Youssef Nassef, director of the Adaption Programme of the United Nations Climate Change Secretariat, stated.

The NAP Expo is the largest UN event on climate adaptation held annually and addresses good adaptation practices and international support modalities as experienced by developing countries. The main objective is better awareness of good practices of resilience and support for adaptation action across different spectrums, systems and sectors.  NAP Champions, will be invited to various high-level events on adaptation, such as the United Nations Climate Change Conference 2018 in Poland.

Next to Helmy Abouleish three NAP Champions have been selected until now: Senator Loren Legarda from the Philippines, Professor Dr. Jae Chun Choe from Korea, and H.E. Ms. Fekitamoeloa Katoa ‘Utoikamanu, Undersecretary-General of the United Nations and High Representative for the Least Developed Countries. They were all chosen in regard to their sustainable contribution and commitment in the face of climate change.


Pictures Copyright: NAP Central[:ar]

في إطار خطة العمل الوطنية للتكيف (NAP) التي استضافتها اتفاقية الأمم المتحدة الإطارية بشأن تغير المناخ (UNFCCC) في الفترة من 4 إلى 6 أبريل في شرم الشيخ، تم انتخاب حلمي أبو العيش رئيس مجلس أمناء جامعة هليوبوليس للتنمية المستدامة والرئيس التنفيذي لشركة سيكم ليكون رابع بطل دولي في برنامج العمل الوطني. وقد بدأ فريق الخبراء التابع للأمم المتحدة المعني بأقل البلدان نمواً هذه المبادرة الجديدة اعترافًا بالشخصيات البارزة في مجال مكافحة التغير المناخي. وحتى الآن، مُنح ثلاثة أشخاص فقط لقب بطل برنامج NAP.

في السادس من أبريل تم تقديم حلمي أبو العيش كبطل جديد لبرنامج NAP في شرم الشيخ، حيث ألقى كلمة حول التزام سيكم بالتنمية المستدامة في مواجهة تغير المناخ. وأشار إلى أن التكيف مع تغير المناخ لا يمكن أن يكون مستدامًا إلا من خلال الاقتراب منه بشكل شامل عن طريق تعزيز وتحقيق التوازن بين الأبعاد الرئيسية الأربعة للتنمية: البيئة، الاقتصاد، المجتمع والثقافة. يقول يوسف ناصف، مدير برنامج التكيف بأمانة الأمم المتحدة المعنية بتغير المناخ: ’’لقد تطرقنا إلى إنجازات أولئك الذين يتناسبون مع معايير تعريف بطل برنامج العمل الوطني NAP من منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا، وقد ظهر حلمي أبو العيش كالأول والأهم، خاصةً في ضوء التوجه الشامل الذي صنعته سيكم، والذي لا يقتصر فحسب على تنفيذ المشروعات الهادفة إلى الاستدامة، ولكنه يعزز أيضًا منهجًا شاملاً للحياة المستدامة على نحو ينطبق على جميع جوانب الرفاهية البشرية‘

يعد NAP Expo أكبر حدث للأمم المتحدة بشأن التكيف مع تغير المناخ، ويعقد سنويًا ويعالج ممارسات التكيف الجيدة وطرائق الدعم الدولية التي تواجهها البلدان النامية. الهدف الرئيسي هو تحسين الوعي بالممارسات الجيدة الخاصة بالمرونة ودعم إجراءات التكيف عبر مختلف الأطياف  والنظم والقطاعات. هذا وسيُدعى أبطال برنامج العمل الوطني NAP إلى مختلف الفعاليات رفيعة المستوى بشأن التكيف، مثل مؤتمر الأمم المتحدة لتغير المناخ لعام 2018 في بولندا.

وبجانب حلمي أبو العيش تم اختيار ثلاثة من أبطال NAP حتى الآن: عضو مجلس الشيوخ لورين ليجاردا من الفلبين ، والأستاذ الدكتور جاي تشون تشوي من كوريا، وسيادة وكيلة الأمين العام للأمم المتحدة والممثلة السامي لأقل البلدان نمواً، السيدة فيكيتامويلوا كاتوا أوتوكامانو. وقد تم اختيارهم جميعًا لما يتعلق بمساهمتهم والتزامهم المستدام في مواجهة تغير المناخ.

Pictures Copyright: NAP Central[:]

MED-WET Partners Participate in Fundão Agricultural Innovation Fair, October 2024, Portugal

[:en] The MED-WET partners, including the team from Heliopolis University for Sustainable Development, had the opportunity to showcase their excellent results at the Fundão Agricultural Innovation Fair, held during (9-13) October 2024 in Portugal. This event provided a wonderful platform to widely share the project’s advancements, exchange insights, and engage with various international stakeholders in the water, energy and agricultural sectors. During the fair, the HUSD team actively participated in a parallel conference, where they delivered in-depth presentations and speech covering the MED-WET’s goals, achievements, and importance in advancing sustainable water management for climate-resilient agriculture among the rural and desert communities. At the heart of their presence was the MED-WET stand, which attracted significant attention of the majority of participants. It served as a focal point for information dissemination, providing an interactive space where farmers, agricultural experts, policymakers, and researchers could learn more about the project’s innovative approaches to water conservation and irrigation technology in arid regions. The stand featured detailed explanations of the project’s outcomes, including key findings and 3-D prototypes of the three technologies “Constructed Wetlands in Sekem El-Wahat, Solar energy-driven desalination for greenhouse agriculture in Malta and the SLECI Irrigation technology in Portugal and Morocco”. This obviously proven the MED-WET’s success in realizing efficient water management practices that contributed to sustainable farming and addressed water scarcity challenges in the Mediterranean region. Overall, the Fundão Agricultural Innovation Fair was a highly productive experience for all participants. It allowed the MED-WET team to expand their network, raise awareness about the critical issue of water scarcity, and underscore the project’s role in promoting sustainable agricultural practices across the Mediterranean region. The fair highlighted the increasing importance of collaborative efforts in addressing water conservation and irrigation challenges in agriculture, reinforcing the relevance of the MED-WET initiative. [:]

[:en]Showcasing the Med-Wet Project: Partners Participated in the Euro-Mediterranean Innovation Marketplace in Cairo[:]

[:en] One of the Heliopolis University for Sustainable Development’s successful research projects called “MED-WET” is selected among the top successful and highest performing 20 EU–Prima projects worldwide this year 2024. An international conference and fair was conducted on 3 Oct., 2024 in Cairo organized by Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) in association with the European Commission (EC) office in Cairo. In which, a team from HUSD and MED-WET’s partner countries from Malta and Germany presented the key results of the MED-WET project, including the successfully developed three technologies (Constructed Wetlands in Sekem El-Wahat, Solar energy-driven desalination for greenhouse agriculture in Malta and the SLECI Irrigation technology in Portugal and Morocco). That mega event allowed HUSD to showcase the innovative solution of the low-cost, low-energy and nature-based “Instream Constructed Wetland” model addressing water challenges and climate change in the Mediterranean. Such innovations aim to conserve water, improve irrigation efficiency and tackle water scarcity (climate-resilient agriculture). The marketplace offered meaningful exchanges with international partners. HUSD’s team discussed potential collaborations with stakeholders who are interested in new research projects, which will help further amplify the impact of the Med-Wet project. The conversations done with promising future partners underscored the importance of cross-border cooperation and innovation in addressing complex environmental challenges, on the top of them “water scarcity and climate change”. [:]

[:en]Announcement: Heliopolis University Low Carbon Energy Report Released![:]

[:en]Heliopolis University for Sustainable Development is proud to announce the release of our latest report on Low Carbon Energy Usage across campus! This report highlights our commitment to a greener future by measuring the amount of low-carbon energy utilized in our operations. Through this analysis, we’re taking bold steps toward sustainability and reducing our carbon footprint. Key Highlights: A detailed breakdown of renewable energy sources powering our campus Insights on energy efficiency improvements across our facilities Actionable goals for expanding clean energy use in the coming years Together, we’re paving the way for a more sustainable and energy-efficient future. Thank you to everyone who contributed to making this report possible! Stay tuned for more updates as we continue working towards a 100% low-carbon campus! #HeliopolisUniversity #SustainableFuture #LowCarbonEnergy #CleanEnergy See the report here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/122aDtID_M3wxZSzZnKuzx-VcHolUbxh5/view?usp=sharing[:]