Financial Aid at Heliopolis University

Financial Aid Terms and Conditions

  • Financial aid is available for students in need.
  • It is extended to students encountering financial challenges.
  • Decisions are based on various criteria linked to the annual budget.
  • Notifications about the Student Financial Assistance Committee’s determinations are communicated via email or text message.


  • The student must have a cumulative GPA of at least 2 or the financial assistance will be cancelled.
  • The correctness of the information contained in the financial assistance application form.
  • Parents submit a document proving the financial situation of the family and in the event of any change in income, the university must be notified of this.
  • The university has the right to refuse the request for financial assistance without stating reasons.
  • In the event of proof of concealment of information, the university will take the appropriate action.



The Financial Aid Process

01. Identify Financial Need

Heliopolis University supports excellent students facing financial constraints by offering financial aid.

02. Apply for Aid

Financial assistance is granted individually, ensuring that each student’s specific needs are met.

03. Provide Evidence

Estudiar’s commitment to student success, important scholarship and creative activity, and public service sets it apart from other colleges.


  • Apply for admission.
  • Admission Testing.
  • Submit the results of the high school certificate and paying the tuition fees within the announced deadlines.