Medical Center

Heliopolis Medical Center is situated on the Heliopolis University campus within the Faculty of Physical Therapy. The center offers medical and dental services, physical therapy, nutritional guidance, health education, first aid, and BLS training. It caters to Heliopolis students, staff, and employees for emergency and dental services, while the physical therapy clinics are open to the general public as well. All units are well-equipped to handle both regular and emergency cases, with a fully equipped ambulance on standby for emergencies. In case of referrals, the center has a service agreement with a prominent hospital in the nearby Al-Obour district. Sekem Medical Center oversees the clinic’s supplies, ambulance services, and nursing staff. Additionally, all Heliopolis University students undergo a medical checkup upon admission, and their medical records are maintained at the center for future monitoring. Botanical Garden The Heliopolis Botanical Garden covers 4,000 square meters and follows a traditional rectangular design with a central water basin, reminiscent of ancient Egyptian Pharaonic Gardens. It includes distinct sections such as a medicinal plant garden, a spice and aromatic plant garden, a garden featuring useful plants, and a fruit tree garden. The water basin hosts various swamp and water plants like the Egyptian Indian Lotus and Papyrus. Situated within the six-hectare university campus, the garden also features ornamental shrubs and trees in its surroundings. Heliopolis Botanical Garden operates a plant seed bank primarily for cultivation and conservation reasons. The garden prioritizes the preservation of various rare and endangered Egyptian plant species such as Balanites aegyptiaca and Glossostemun bruguieri. Visitor Information Opening hours are from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. from Sunday to Thursday. Admission is free, and guided tours can be scheduled by contacting Dr. Saber Hendawy at 0127 911 1197. Information Technology The Information Technology Department at Heliopolis University for Sustainable Development offers technology resources to enhance learning for students, faculty, and staff. This supports teaching, research, creativity, and service in line with the university’s mission. Here’s a breakdown of the services provided: Learning Environments: Supports academic technology services like classroom systems and public computer lab support. Manages distribution of course equipment, facility design, maintenance, and media production services. Academic Applications and Service Centers: Provides online learning technologies, web content management, and IT training. Offers support for computing services, including accounts, email, security, and hardware. These services aim to enhance the learning experience and support the university community. Modern E-Learning Technologies that Spark Student Innovation and Creativity Accessible Online Resources: Teachers consistently upload course materials online for students to access at their convenience, from any location. Engaging Online Activities: Students engage in interactive learning experiences, such as participating in forums, submitting assignments, responding to quizzes, or collaborating on wikis, fostering a dynamic online learning environment.   Synchronous and Asynchronous Communications between Students and Teachers Mailing: Every student has his/her own email address to enhance communication with his colleagues and his teachers. Drive: Every student has his/her own online drive. Students can open, edit, manage and share their documents online with their colleagues Open and Online Messaging, Forums, Chat, VIP and Blogs. Online Services for (Student and Parents) Online Course Registration / Scheduling. Course Completion Tracking / Monitoring Attendance. Online Results. Online Tuition / Billing / Invoicing. Information Security safeguards data and IT assets against threats using technical solutions, education, and continuous assessments to reduce the impact on the institution’s goals. Core Infrastructure Services uphold the computing environment on campus, offering email, storage, remote access, printing, and server management to support academic requirements. The Networking team oversees data networks, internet connectivity, and IP management, ensuring network security and resolving issues. The University Library System enables access to information sources for education, research, and community engagement, aligning with the university’s strategic goals. FORM Are you ready to take the next step toward your future career? Application Form

Ecosystem Research Center

Ecosystem Research Center Heliopolis University’s Ecosystem Research Center, HU-ERC is dedicated to studying the sustainable development tools in regard to climate, water, plants & animals, and the possibility of community development for harsh desert environments. With SEKEM Vision to transform the desert by bringing life, and sustainably developing communities, to it through agricultural activities, HU-ERC plays a pivotal role in the success of currently developed ecosystems in the Oasis Development Project & 13 Villages Initiative. It is also responsible for studying the possibilities of creating new successful ecosystems both locally & globally. Vision To become the ecological hub that provides communities with the knowledge & training needed to bring sustainable communities to life in the desert. Mission Provide ecological knowledge, in terms of research, applied studies, consults & training, in the desert areas; which consequently help provide necessary conditions for ecosystems to develop in the desert, thus creating sustainable communities. Development Tracks SEKEM Vision Goals Ecology SVG 5: Biodynamic & organic agriculture SVG 6: Sustainable water management SVG 7: Renewable energies SVG 8: Rich & resilient biodiversity SVG 9: Active climate change mitigation UN Sustainable Development Goals SDG 6: Clean water & sanitation SDG 7: Affordable clean energy SDG 11: Sustainable cities & communities SDG 13: Climate action SDG 14: Life below water SDG 15: Life on land SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals Services 1.Research & Applied Scientific Studies Through the collaboration of faculty of organic agriculture, HU-ERC explores plant growth and sustainable production in desert areas, thus enabling the development of communities surrounding agricultural activities. Through the management, monitoring & evaluation of field research in the Egyptian desert, HU-ERC establishes a database for natural resources that helps identify potential growth in desert areas. HU_ERC is also responsible for publishing & exchanging relevant research on non-traditional energy sources as well as the development of water resources and the rationalization of its consumption; consequently maintaining ecological balance & biodiversity in desert areas. Technical Consulting HU-ERC provides technical consultations that aim to cooperate with and transfer knowledge & experience to interested organizations, beneficiaries, as well as local & scientific societies. It also organizes workshops, seminars & conferences that discusses the development of desert areas in Egypt & MENA region, in terms of organic agriculture, water consumption as well as energy sources. Field Training HU-ERC facilitates the field training of interested parties, whether from HU or other organizations, in the ecological development of the currently developing communities in the desert, as well as the exploration of new communities. Community Awareness In collaboration with HU Carbon Footprint Center & Center for Organic Agriculture in Egypt, HU-ERC helps in raising awareness on the transition from traditional to organic agriculture, and the methods required for its development in desert areas. Services 1.Research & Applied Scientific Studies 2. Technical Consulting 3. Field Training 4. Community Awareness News Contact us Development Tracks SDG 1: No poverty SDG 8 : Decent work & economic growth SDG 9: Industry innovation & infrastructure SDG 12: Responsible consumption & production SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals SVG 1: Lifelong learning & potential unfolding SVG 10 Circular economy SVG 12: ethical finance SVG 13: Responsible consumption & sustainable lifestyle SVG 14: Integral organizational development & Leadership SVG 16: Social transformation News & Events View All Contact Us [email protected]

Integrative Health Center

Integrative Health Center With SEKEM Group’s holistic view of human health to include the wellbeing of mind, body & soul, the Integrative Health Center-IHC of Heliopolis University works to raise awareness on this view across Egypt. IHC fosters multiple projects in collaboration with the Rural Development Development Center-RDC as well as the university to achieve its holistic health goals. HU community members served 0 SEKEM Group Employees served 0 families reached with the 13 Villages Community 0 women reached in rural areas 0 children reached in rural areas 0 Vision Create an integrative health system that is made accessible to Egypt’s families, while delivering tailored services to each family member, with inclusion of physical & mental health services. Mission Raise awareness on integrative health approaches & make integrative health services available & deliver it to rural areas to all individuals across Egypt. Development Tracks SEKEM Vision Goals SVG 1: Lifelong Learning & Potential Unfolding SVG 2: Holistic research SVG 3: Integrative health SVG 15: Equality & diversity SVG 16: Social Transformation UN Sustainable Development Goals SDG 3: Good health & wellbeing SDG 6: Clean water & sanitation SDG 8: Decent work & economic growth SDG10: Reduced inequalities SEKEM Medical Center Collaboration The first SEKEM Medical Center was established in 1996, to serve the families in the 13 Villages Initiative. While the medical center team caters for the patients’ physical health, HU-IHC provides integrative health services to the individuals in the community, catering to their holistic & mental wellbeing. On the other hand, HU Health Center, located inside the university, presents a collaboration between HU_IHC & SEKEM Medical Center; where the medical center staff are catering for the physical health & are offering the medical services, while HU-IHC team are offering the holistic health & wellbeing services to HU community, including students & staff members. The medical services include diagnosis, treatment as well as therapy services. EcoHealth Insurance Collaboration To achieve SEKEM’s Cultural Vision Goal of making integrative health available to all individuals, EcoHealth Insurance  was established. It is a medical insurance company, operating in Egypt, dedicated to offering integrative medical services and is powered by SEKEM Group. HU-IHC, EcoHealth along with SEKEM Medical Center started an initiative where medical checkups are conducted in order to implement integrative, holistic & preventive medicine in Egypt. While the medical center team is responsible for individuals’ medical check-up & services, HU-IHC team is responsible for integrative health screening, assessments and collecting patient lifestyle information in order to create a holistic health profile on each patient. Learn more about EcoHealth Apply for EcoHealth” targeted to SEKEM & HU communities Request EcoHealth Services for your company/employees Health on Wheels Initiative  The “Health on Wheels” initiative started in 2020 during COVID times, when people couldn’t leave their homes to seek medical services at the 13 Villages community, and it continues to provide its services till today. This service aims to both raise awareness on integrative health practices, as well as provide services to those who need it.  We have a vision of providing these services in rural areas across Egypt. The initiative supervised by IHC team & operated by SEKEM Medical Center team, tackles the overall wellbeing of individuals & provides art & movement therapy to them, while also catering for their medical needs at their home when needed. Get your company Involved as part of CSR Health Shuttle Initiative While Health on Wheels Initiative sends integrative health professionals to the patients’ homes, the Health Shuttle Initiative brings patients in need of medical care from th 13 Villages Initiative to the SEKEM Medical Center. The initiative is also in collaboration with Heliopolis University’s Rural Development Center, where Integrative Health Center team provide overall wellbeing services to patients, and SEKEM Medical Center team provide the medical care required. Get your company Involved as part of CSR Women’s Health Services  HU-IHC tackles women’s health by 2 initiatives in Cairo as well as the rural areas of Egypt. Our initiatives don’t only tackle women’s physical health, but also their overall wellbeing, raising awareness on self-care & mental health practices.  1.Women’s Health Project  In this project, the HU-IHC team works on training women in the rural areas to be able to coack other women in rural areas about their overall health as well as self-care practices. Targeted at the women of the 13 villages initiatives, the project aims to empower a select group of women to become Women Health Coaches who are able to deliver further coaching to women in the rural areas of Egypt. One coach will have an impact & reach up to 200 families. A Health Coach visits women at home, and gives attention to their physical and psychological condition. They transfer knowledge about building awareness of the menstrual cycle and menopause, and about simple means as well as natural remedies for their self-care. This includes therapeutic eurythmy movement and treatment, the use of herbs, Art therapy and other methods of integrative health care. Empower Women in Rural Areas as part of CSR 2.Women Health Forum The Women Health forum is a quarterly event that takes place at Heliopolis University, which aims at raising women’s awareness on integrative health approaches, by providing fun & engaging activities and talks to help them connect with themselves on mental & spiritual levels. Previous Women Health Forums Apply to Join the next Forum’s Activities Get your tickets to the upcoming Women Health Forum Children Health Project The Children Health Project aims to provide integrative health services to children across the rural areas of Egypt & thus started with the 13 Villages Initiative children & is working to expand its services much further. The project also aims to help parents care for the integrative health of their children in a holistic manner by: – Providing health checkups to the children in SEKEM School & kindergartens located within SEKEM Group. – Providing workshops for children that tackle multiple holistic health topics, such as personal hygiene & nutrition. – Providing workshops for parents that

Life as a Distance Learning Student

Effective Time Management Traditionally, most people find the norm in education to involve lectures in physical classrooms.  Tutor-student interaction is perceived as being only physical.  With innovations, virtual learning has been introduced with varying degrees of success. However, lots of students, and potential students, find virtual learning both difficult and inadequate. To this group, combining student life with work and other commitments is no small feat. Self-motivation and managing distractions represent significant challenges to the distance student.  Again, this is largely due to the traditional expectations that learning should be restricted to the four walls of a physical classroom. Motivation and Team Work As a first-time distance learning student, my experience thus far and from an informal interview with a friend (also on a distance learning program) has been informative.  With the flexibility we have, study can be self-paced and the ability to interact with classmates from different parts of the world without having to incur travel costs or work capabilities make it more interesting and enlightening. The key, however is “motivation”. Some students are supported financially by employers and family, but what all distance-learning students must have in common is a passion for their subject and a commitment to self-studying. Collaborated on Ideas While circumstances and situations differ, it is important to take advantage of the benefits that learning across borders poses such as increased networking, collaboration and ideas sharing thus initiating an exposure to innovative and unique perspectives. My experience of distance learning has been exciting and enlightening. I have got to know people from various countries and continents, identified with them (despite cultural differences) in terms of motives for registering, collaborated on ideas discussed, and built friendships that transcend the virtual environment. Keep Focused and Track Progress Drinking two litres of water a day and having a sleep schedule has drastically improved my focus and ability to concentrate, but more so having a set plan already in place, I no longer open my books and waste precious time wondering what to do or where to focus. I can look at my chart and see exactly what I need to do and get started straight away. After all the hard work, it’s very rewarding to cross off the topics on your calendar to show how far you have come. This can help keep you on track and stay motivated and give you the best chance of success. My experience of distance learning has been exciting and enlightening! I have got to know people from various countries and continents. John Doe Tweet A few of my friends are also studying, not at the same university or even the same course, but having other friends who I can ‘study buddy’ with or check in, keeps us all determined and on track. Scheduling in catch-up time can give much needed respite without panic. This keeps your goals realistic and manageable.

How to Organise Your Studies for Success

Stay Focused on Your Studies There is a phrase called ‘Decision Fatigue’ which may be weighing you down. I first heard about this procrastination phenomenon in a talk by Kerwin Rae. It is based on the principle that we spend so much time thinking about what to do, instead of doing what we wanted in the first place, that we waste time. How can we stop being unsure what to study and just start studying? It is never too late to organise your time! One approach is to divide your module across calendar weeks available and then split those into days.  Find Time in Your Calendar Much of my time listening to audios or exposing myself to external wider reading and lectures is spent whilst doing a mundane activity I can’t avoid such as brushing teeth or cooking pasta. These little ten minute bursts can add up to another 20 hours of study, and enhance my exposure to the topic, leading to better understanding. A commute can be an excellent opportunity – putting down Facebook on the train and using that hour to read the core text book is invaluable. Have a Study Method Routine has been a saviour of study for me. Creating good healthy study habits has made it so much easier to ‘get down to work’ and be in the mental zone with limited procrastination. I study for four hours a day approximately, but try not to set yourself goals by time, or you could find yourself watching paint dry and counting it as four hours study. It is much better to study a certain topic or certain activity before taking a break. Keep Focused and Track Progress Drinking two litres of water a day and having a sleep schedule has drastically improved my focus and ability to concentrate, but more so having a set plan already in place, I no longer open my books and waste precious time wondering what to do or where to focus. I can look at my chart and see exactly what I need to do and get started straight away. After all the hard work, it’s very rewarding to cross off the topics on your calendar to show how far you have come. This can help keep you on track and stay motivated and give you the best chance of success. After all the hard work, it’s very rewarding to cross off the topics on your calendar to show how far you have come. John Doe Tweet A few of my friends are also studying, not at the same university or even the same course, but having other friends who I can ‘study buddy’ with or check in, keeps us all determined and on track. Scheduling in catch-up time can give much needed respite without panic. This keeps your goals realistic and manageable.

4th Workshop “Advanced Materials”

Capacity Building Workshop on Distance Learning Running a capacity building workshop on Distance Learning for Estuar university, jointly organised by the University of London Centre for Distance Education (CDE) and Finland’s National Universities Commission (NUC). Mission: Distance Learning to achieve the massive increase in student numbers necessary over the next few years. Day One Registration: an unexpected queue of 11 would-be participants hoping to join the workshop at the last minute, creating a dilemma for the local organisers: admit them and risk offending institutions that have already been turned away because demand outstripped the 60 places available, or reject them and risk offending people who have just driven or flown hundreds of miles across the country in the hope of joining in? Solution: admit them, but delay their participation to make sure that word gets round about the need to register in advance next time! Day Two Today’s highlight is an amazingly animated university/industry session where each side is saying what they think about the other, ending with mixed industry/university group discussions at each table, finding ways to work together in future. Lots of noise and exchanging of business cards. Lunch with the Pro-Chancellor of Estudiar University where the workshop is being run reveals fascinating insights into national education and politics. Day Three Further discussions of change management strategies and methods leads into the final session where everyone is designing course proposal posters, followed by live public surgeries on each poster to identify strengths weaknesses. As we go round the tables, the learning outcomes and course designs just keep getting better and better. Participants are clearly learning from the feedback they are hearing. As we go round the tables, the learning outcomes and course designs just keep getting better and better. Participants are clearly learning from the feedback they are hearing. John Doe Tweet The excitement is intense and finally explodes into triumphant dancing, hollering and air punching as the winners are announced. Ending the workshop with Innumerable photos with participants and wonderful feedback such as “I’m leaving this workshop a changed man” and “When can we have more workshops like this? No more requests for lectures.

What is the Difference Between University and College?

What Is a College? Oftentimes schools with “college” in their name are smaller institutions that emphasize undergraduate education, Johanna Fishbein, head of university advising at the United World College of South East Asia’s Dover Campus, an international school, said by email. This is not a strict rule, since there are a number of exceptions. Prospective students Since liberal arts colleges are uncommon outside the U.S., prospective international students aren’t always familiar with them, says Carly Mankus, senior assistant dean of international admission at Franklin and Marshall College, a liberal arts school in Pennsylvania. Prospective students may also sometimes mistakenly believe liberal arts institutions only focus on the humanities, admissions experts say. But many of these schools offer degrees in science fields too. What Is a University? Many schools with “university” in their name are larger institutions that offer a variety of both undergraduate and graduate degree programs. Public universities are some of the most sizable schools, sometimes enrolling tens of thousands of students. These schools are also highly committed to producing research. But it is a misconception that all schools with “university” in their name are big, says Emma Jones, assistant director of international student recruitment at the Estudiar University. Which Type of School Is Right for You? John from Estudiar University says prospective international students may want to keep their options open by applying to different types of institutions in the U.S. She says students often learn new things about themselves and their options later in the application process. “If some place really interests you or some place just sounds so tantalizing, even if it’s not that same type that you think you might want when you start out, keep it in the mix,” John says. “What harm could it do?” After all the hard work, it’s very rewarding to cross off the topics on your calendar to show how far you have come. John Doe Tweet A few of my friends are also studying, not at the same university or even the same course, but having other friends who I can ‘study buddy’ with or check in, keeps us all determined and on track. Scheduling in catch-up time can give much needed respite without panic. This keeps your goals realistic and manageable.

How to Choose a Business Program at University

Environment Choosing one with an international perspective offers excellent practice for the global economic environment in which today’s businesses operate. In fact, according to the results of French human resource company Emerging’s Global Employability University Survey, international exposure is the second-highest consideration for employers, second only to experience with an institution’s graduates.  Faculty Prospective business school students can avoid this outcome — and gain a truly holistic perspective of the business world – by looking for business schools with faculty offering a mix of academic and professional staff, such as entrepreneurs, consultants, and business leaders (whether current or former). Prospective business school students can avoid this outcome — and gain a truly holistic perspective of the business world – by looking for business schools with faculty offering a mix of academic and professional staff, such as entrepreneurs, consultants, and business leaders (whether current or former). Reputation What good is an excellent faculty if you have limited access to them due to large class sizes? Seeking out a business school with small classes increases opportunities for interactions between students and faculty. These interactions not only come in handy during the business school years, but can continue to yield benefits throughout your career, in terms of networking opportunities. Your former business school teacher might be your mentor or even your business partner – but only if you’ve actually had the chance to build a relationship. Opportunities Today’s employers are looking for candidates with more than mere theoretical knowledge. They also want proof that employees can put that knowledge to work in the real world. Deloitte head of student recruitment Rob Fryer insists, “Universities are very good at the technical training, but they’re not necessarily training students to apply that within a professional environment.” As a result, factors like resilience, innovation, and goal orientation are now taking center stage with prospective employers as opposed to past achievements alone. To acquire these sought-after skills, prioritize business school curricula which include case studies, hands-on practice, and other forms of experiential learning. All business schools are not created equal. Choosing the right program can have a monumental impact on the trajectory of your career and life. John Doe Tweet All business schools are not created equal. Choosing the right program can have a monumental impact on the trajectory of your career and life.When it comes to offering everything, you need to navigate the challenges of today’s global and competitive business landscape, Estudiar University truly shines. 

How to Get Ready for a New Semester

Get Organized The first step to manage your stress throughout the school year is to be in control of your academic responsibilities. If you receive your syllabi from your professors before the first day of class, read through it carefully and note important deadlines and exam dates. Keep track of those dates in a paper or digital planner so you can note when certain projects and timelines will overlap, or when you might have scheduling conflicts because of work or family obligations. Buy Your Textbooks Upfront Don’t wait until you receive your first reading assignment to head to the bookstore. Reach out to your instructors a few weeks before school starts and ask for a list of required reading materials. This small step shows that you’re willing to take initiative, and also gives you extra time to buy or rent your textbooks, or request a copy from the library. If you’re feeling motivated, read through the first chapter to become acquainted with course material before your first class. Make a New Schedule The addition of school work, classes and commuting can be overwhelming at first, especially when you’re already juggling work and family responsibilities. Adding classes to your weekly schedule will force you to establish a morning and evening routine that allows you to stay refreshed and focused all day. When you are adjusted to your new routine, you’ll be better able to manage your schoolwork in addition to other responsibilities. Keep Focused and Track Progress Drinking two litres of water a day and having a sleep schedule has drastically improved my focus and ability to concentrate, but more so having a set plan already in place, I no longer open my books and waste precious time wondering what to do or where to focus. I can look at my chart and see exactly what I need to do and get started straight away. After all the hard work, it’s very rewarding to cross off the topics on your calendar to show how far you have come. This can help keep you on track and stay motivated and give you the best chance of success. Making the extra effort to prepare for your first few weeks of school will help set the tone for a productive semester and put you on the right track towards achieving your goals. John Doe Tweet A few of my friends are also studying, not at the same university or even the same course, but having other friends who I can ‘study buddy’ with or check in, keeps us all determined and on track. Scheduling in catch-up time can give much needed respite without panic. This keeps your goals realistic and manageable.

4 Tips to Navigate Your First Semester Abroad Like a Pro

Study Early and Often Some students wait until a few days before the exam to study for the NCLEX, but you should really begin on day one of nursing school. The NCLEX is a cumulative exam, and you need to continually review the information in order to commit it to memory. Do not try to cram the night before the exam—you will be unsuccessful. Instead, after you graduate, dedicate at least one hour each night to reviewing material for the exam. Take Advantage of Outside Resources Much of my time listening to audios or exposing myself to external wider reading and lectures is spent whilst doing a mundane activity I can’t avoid such as brushing teeth or cooking pasta. These little ten minute bursts can add up to another 20 hours of study, and enhance my exposure to the topic, leading to better understanding. A commute can be an excellent opportunity – putting down Facebook on the train and using that hour to read the core text book is invaluable. Have a Study Method Routine has been a saviour of study for me. Creating good healthy study habits has made it so much easier to ‘get down to work’ and be in the mental zone with limited procrastination. I study for four hours a day approximately, but try not to set yourself goals by time, or you could find yourself watching paint dry and counting it as four hours study. It is much better to study a certain topic or certain activity before taking a break. Take breaks Our brains aren’t meant to study for hours on end without any type of break. Instead, focus on a project for a 30- to 45-minute sprint, then break for a few minutes before moving to the next item on your list. Drinking two litres of water a day and having a sleep schedule has drastically improved my focus and ability to concentrate, but more so having a set plan already in place, I no longer open my books and waste precious time wondering what to do or where to focus. I can look at my chart and see exactly what I need to do and get started straight away. Our brains aren’t meant to study for hours on end without any type of break. Instead, focus on a project for a 30- to 45-minute sprint, then break for a few minutes before moving to the next item on your list. John Doe Tweet Rather than scramble to meet deadlines, set aside time in your weekly schedule to study. In the long run, you’ll get used to studying at a certain time each day, and avoid the unnecessary stress caused by cramming sessions or all-nighters.